The following comments concerning the coverage in terms of years and countries apply to the ‘distance’ metrics contained in this website. As i ave only recently posted the ‘diversity’ metrics, I do not have any plans for updating them at this stage.
The data is available for three specific years: 1995, 2005 and 2015. However, I would note that, in general, the metrics involved here only change gradually over time. Indeed, the correlations across decades (i.e. between 1995 and 2005, and between 2005 and 2015) range between 0.778 and 0.997 across the five main distance dimensions. The greatest variance (i.e. lowest correlation across decades) being in the degree of democracy between 1995 and 2005; and the lowest variance across decades being in the linguistic distance. The later result is not surprising given that we are mainly measuring the ‘mother tongue’ of the individuals; thus, this tends to be a generational change, plus the effects of immigration. As a result, simply interpolating between these the available years should in general be sufficiently reliable.
At the moment, the diversity metrics are available for 150 countries, and the distance metrics for bilateral pairs of 150 countries (i.e. 22,350 dyads). [click here for an Excel version of the list of countries]
These include …
Afghanistan | Hong Kong | Paraguay |
Algeria | Hungary | Peru |
Angola | Iceland | Philippines |
Argentina | India | Poland |
Australia | Indonesia | Portugal |
Austria | Iran | Puerto Rico |
Azerbaijan | Iraq | Qatar |
Bahrain | Ireland | Romania |
Bangladesh | Israel | Russia |
Belarus | Italy | Rwanda |
Belgium | Jamaica | Samoa |
Benin | Japan | Saudi Arabia |
Bolivia | Jordan | Senegal |
Botswana | Kazakhstan | Serbia |
Brazil | Kenya | Sierra Leone |
Bulgaria | Korea North | Singapore |
Burkina Faso | Korea South | Slovak Republic |
Burundi | Kuwait | Slovenia |
Cambodia | Kyrgyzstan | Solomon Islands |
Cameroon | Laos | Somalia |
Canada | Latvia | South Africa |
Chad | Lebanon | Spain |
Chile | Libya | Sri Lanka |
China | Lithuania | Sudan |
Colombia | Luxembourg | Suriname |
Congo, Dem Rep | Madagascar | Sweden |
Costa Rica | Malawi | Switzerland |
Cote D’Ivoire | Malaysia | Syria |
Croatia | Mali | Taiwan |
Cuba | Malta | Tajikistan |
Cyprus | Mauritius | Tanzania |
Czech Republic | Mexico | Thailand |
Denmark | Moldova | Togo |
Dominican Republic | Mongolia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Ecuador | Morocco | Tunisia |
Egypt | Mozambique | Turkey |
El Salvador | Myanmar | Turkmenistan |
Estonia | Namibia | Uganda |
Ethiopia | Nauru | Ukraine |
Fiji | Nepal | United Arab Emirates |
Finland | Netherlands | United Kingdom |
France | New Zealand | United States |
Georgia | Nicaragua | Uruguay |
Germany | Niger | Uzbekistan |
Ghana | Nigeria | Vanuatu |
Greece | Norway | Venezuela |
Guatemala | Oman | Vietnam |
Guinea | Pakistan | Yemen |
Haiti | Panama | Zambia |
Honduras | Papua New Guinea | Zimbabwe |